Garden to Kitchen: Liquid Lemon Gold

I love to use produce from my garden and Lemon Myrtle is one of my favourite trees. I don’t need any more reasons to justify its existence in a food forest but recently I read about a new use and I just have to try it! Here’s some of the ways that I already use… Continue reading Garden to Kitchen: Liquid Lemon Gold

Garden Days: Growing our Maths Skills

Recently we started to build the greenhouse that has been sitting in a box for literally months. It provided a plethora of opportunities for my four year old to practice Maths and fine motor skills. Afterwards, I couldn’t help feeling that it was a rich home learning opportunity that I could have easily missed. There… Continue reading Garden Days: Growing our Maths Skills

Garden Days: edible flower garden

Last year I grew an edible flower garden and my daughter started harvesting and making salads for the family dinner table and, even more surprisingly, my son ate them! As a general rule, my daughter only eats raw fruit and vegetables and my son mostly prefers cooked vegetables. They both love edible flowers and were… Continue reading Garden Days: edible flower garden

Garden Days: Wiggly Woo Farm

I was stunned by my children’s excitement when I told them we were going to get the worm farm going again.  They are exposed to garden activities on a regular basis so they don’t always appreciate them, but the worm farm… whoa! Stop the press! This is a great idea! Worm farms truly give bang… Continue reading Garden Days: Wiggly Woo Farm

Garden Days: activities for families with young children

While most of the world winds down gardening in Autumn, preparing for the Winter freeze, in subtropical Australia autumn can be as exciting as Spring. The cooler weather also creates plenty of opportunities to get the children into the garden without fear of sunburn. Of course this Autumn is like no other Autumn, tinged with… Continue reading Garden Days: activities for families with young children

“Build it and they will come”

This morning as I sat on my back patio looking around at the back garden drinking a coffee, a butterfly almost landed on my head. How delightful that sensation was once I had got over the initial shock response! I watched it fly away and cross the path of two other butterflies in the process.… Continue reading “Build it and they will come”